Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rock!!! Converse The Clash is in Season!

The Clash is in Season!

With the start of a new school year just around the corner, or is already in session, fashionable attire is at its highest peak and what better way to make an impact than with a pair of kicks that simply spells out ready to conquer!

The Clash's interest in the workings of the army is translated into a button studded chucks by Converse

So how do you channel this punk rebel spirit? Well, Converse does have a suggestion or two from their punk-inspired Music Collaboration collection this season featuring English punk-rock band The Clash!

Simplicity is an art form, and when it comes to having a straightforward declaration, a bold print is your best bet! It’s neither subtle nor overly attention grabbing, but the white on black print is simply punk-inspired! Enjoy it for P 2,950.

Add color to your traditional punk blacks and grays with this pair of Converse Chuck Taylor from the Music Collaboration collection. Featuring The Clash logo flock printed on Chuck’s signature varsity red, it’s a definite show stopper on an all black ensemble for P 3,550.

Basic Chucks goes Goth with the The Clash signature skull and bones

Boring military boots can be left in your closet when you have something equally military-inspired with a twist of modern day hip. The Clash is known for their politically-inclined music, and the dance track “Rock the Casbah” was even adopted by the US army during the Gulf War, that it seems fitting a tribute to their political views to have a Converse shoe based on military gear. Olive green may be the dominant color, but the three colorful buttons takes the cake for P 4,250 of pure Converse and The Clash goodness.

Suede print add rock star appeal!

Start your back-to-school shopping at Converse and enjoy not only owning a pair of these ultra-cool Converse Music Collaboration kicks, but also graphic tees, backpacks, duffel bags, and caps to complete your back-to-school wardrobe. Log on to for a list of the latest and upcoming styles, while heading of to the Converse Philippines fan page on Facebook for daily updates!

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