Yashiro’s 2nd Blogoversary Contest is called the “POST… DROP… CASH”. POST... an article – DROP… the URL – and win CASH. This will be a whole month celebration and a whole month of chances to win cash prizes and other surprises. The “Big Post Drop Event” will run from May 1, 2010 up to May 31, 2010 and the winners will be announced on June 5, 2010. This is to give me ample time to review the points and standing of each participant. Prizes are still subject to change. While the “Post Droplet Events” will be done every week of May 2010 and the activity/contest will be a surprise. It will start on Sunday once the Post Droplet Event is posted it will end on Saturday at 12 noon Philippine Time. The winner will be announced 9:00 PM or later.
- First Prize - $50 Through Paypal
- Second Prize - $25 Through Paypal
- Third Prize - $10 Through Paypal
- Special Prize 2 Best Review of Mommy Gen’s Blog and Mommy Gen’s Corner
- Scrapbook Supplies - worth $20 - - Momgen's Corner - ship anywhere Scrapbook supplies - worth $10 - - Momgen's Corner - ship anywhere
- Plus other prizes.

This is also my Entry
Big Post Drop Event Mechanics
* This Big Post Drop Event will be a point system. This is a race of who gets the most earned points. Winners will be decided whoever gets the highest points by the end of the contest.
* There will be a FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD Prize.
* In case of a tie in any of the 3 prizes, their names will be raffled. Example: if 3 participants tied up on the most earned points, they will surely be the winners of the 3 Prizes. It will just be raffled to get the winner of the FIRST, SECOND, & THIRD Prizes between the three participants. Same goes with the SECOND & THIRD Prizes. The raffle for the tied participants will be done manually and it will be recorded. My son, Maki, will do the honor in picking the lucky winner.
1. Make a review of the sponsors’ blog with the following format.
Introduction of the blog with a link/s or badge/banner of the sponsor’s blog.
Anything you can talk about the blog. And place this at the end of the post “Join POST… DROP… and win CASH”
PRIMARY SPONSORS – 200 words/3 links – 25 POINTS
SECONDARY SPONSORS – 225 words/2 links – 10 POINTS
TERTIARY SPONSOR – 250 words/1 link – 5 POINTS
2. Additional points (optional). Pick one blog post/article of the sponsor and make a review about it. Place this at the end of the post “Join POST… DROP… and win CASH”. One blog post/article per sponsor. 2 POINTS
* Once you have completed the requirements and your blog post, kindly leave a comment on this post with the following information: the email address that you used for the feed subscription, the blog URL of the contest post(as part of the requirements), and the URL of the blog reviews.
Contest officially starts on May 1, 2010 and will end on May 31, 2010 (11:00 PM Philippine Time). Winners will be announced on June 5, 2010 and will be informed through their email address on the process of claiming the prizes.
Good Luck and Enjoy!
• I reserve the right to modify the contest mechanic and prizes as I see fit.
• If you have any questions regarding the contest, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Jayson thank you for joining my contest. Just kindly copy the sponsor's code and paste it in your blog post. It is a must to qualify. If you have completed it kindly comment back to the contest post with the correct URL of your blog post. Thanks.
How to copy? Thanks a lot! Can you send me the code
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