Saturday, May 8, 2010

Are you Macho? Surveillance AXN

Are you Macho? Surveillance AXNI think i'm a mysterious macho train by British intelligence.. ha-ha

I Vote for Mac Taylor!
Join the Quiz!

1 comment:

  1. AXN Macho Tips!
    Posted by kiei@spena on May 6, 2010 at 3:05am in Tips and Tricks
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    Having trouble Mr Macho?
    Here're some pick up lines fyr :P Get your girl tonight!

    1) Do I look fat in these jeans? (be humorous)
    2) I love your contagious laugh.
    3) Shoot! I was supposed to meet my friend down at (insert your local bar here) five minutes ago. You’re amazing! Let me get your phone number so I can hear that engaging laugh again
    4) (Get a wingman!) My buddy is in the back talking so some girl.
    5) It’s my birthday! (A great way to begin the conversation because almost anybody with a heart is going to tell you “Happy Birthday” and give you a smile and a hug if you’re lucky!)
    6) I bet you’re a terrible kisser. (If she denies it) Then prove it!
    7) You look almost perfect...the only thing I can see that's wrong is your lips...they're not touching mine.
    8) I'm having a really bad day and it always makes me fell better when I see a pretty girl smile so would you smile for me?
    9) You: How are you feeling today?
    Her: Fine.
    You: I asked how you were feeling, not how you looked.
    10) I don't mean to bother you, but I had to come over and introduce my self; otherwise I'll be kicking myself for days.


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