Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Service: Swimming Navy Olympic Champion's Speech

Swimming Navy Olympic Champion's Speech  after
Larsen Jensen delivered Olympic results.
Victory Ceremony as Athlete and a Navy Soldier Bring home the Beacon.
Let take a look at Glorious Son's and Daughter's recon to its Mother land.

(L)Jensen-(R)Biadog like David and Goliath are friends 

Jayson Biadog Version of Biblical David and Goliath are friends 
"Commander Lets Swim in the Rain because we are both Sailor"
"Master, Let's march and win Olympics while chanting"
"We are to young to march in the infantry"
"And swim like friends with no enemy"
"Let's win the Swimming Olympics"
"We are the Champions my Navy Friend"

Photo Courtesy of: US Navy Capt Manuel Don Biadog

President George W. Bush and Mrs. Laura Bush pose for photos with U.S. Olympic swimmers Larsen Jensen, left, and Michael Phelps Sunday, Aug. 10, 2008, at the National Aquatics Center in Beijing. (White House photo by Shealah Craighead) 
Larsen Jensen (Navy Olympic Champion)
Letter from Larson to the America Public:
Subject: Re: Awesomeness
To all of my family, friends, supporters and Americans who I have never met:
Thank you for all the support that you have given Team USA and me. We have all been incredibly honored to represent all of you at the 2008 Olympic games. It has been a dream come true to reach the pinnacle of sport success and each of you should consider yourselves a part of that success. I can't thank each of you enough….
Today I swam my final race and it was a tough battle. Unfortunately, I finished out of the medals….. My good friend and training partner Ous Mellouli won the event and I couldn't be happier for him. He truly deserved it and I look forward to congratulating him personally.
Our final award ceremony today finished the way it started—with the playing of the United States National Anthem. I began to get choked up. I was choked up because I understand what our flag and our anthem represent. It represents freedom and opportunity. Freedom to pursue any dream—and the opportunity to make that dream a reality. Mine have become a reality, and our team is proof that America is great—and always will be.
A few days ago I received an American Flag and accompanying Flag Citation from Navy Special Operations Task Force – West, Camp Shane Patton, Fallujah, Iraq. I was hoping to personally carry that flag around the pool; but that wasn't in the cards. However, that flag was carried around the pool by Aaron Peirsol, Brendan Hansen, Michael Phelps, and Jason Lezak for the awards ceremony of the 400 Medley Relay. They are great Americans and they carried that flag to make all of you proud—they did a damn good job.
This team has made me proud by their grace in victory and poise in defeat. A man could never ask for a finer group of men and women to be associated with than our USA Olympians.
It has been an honor to represent The United States of America….I will never forget this experience and I will never take it for granted.
Thanks again America for your support. I, and all US Olympians, look forward to coming home to the land of the free—and never forget WE ARE THE HOME OF THE BRAVE.
Larsen Jensen
Bravo Larsen Jensen, Michael Phelps and Company!!! Clap Clap Clap... Congrats Sailors!!!
President George W. Bush and former President George H.W. Bush pose for photos with U.S. Olympic swimmers Larsen Jensen, left, and Michael Phelps Sunday, Aug. 10, 2008, at the National Aquatics Center in Beijing. White House photo by Shealah Craighead
Elder Navy  Chaplain Manuel Biadog is in IRAQ warzone
 While Younger Nephew Jayson Biadog is in the Philippines Playzone
With a Background of Operation IRAQ-Multi National Force 
Wargames Airsoft Sniper Operation desert storm Philippines
Testing Handgun in Navy Transformer- Marine Uniform
  President George W. Bush Congrats My Uncle also the Athletes and Navy Heroes!
Navy Chaplain Biadog Prays for Landslide Victim in Leyte, Philippines
Mission Relief Disaster all over the At your Service Across the World
Air, Land and Ocean uh Navy!!!!


  1. i salute the navy athletes and navy heroes.great....

  2. Salute to the olympic champions and brave navy!


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